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Abonneren Ik ben al ingeschreven

Josefina Cambiaso Fischer

Excited to share a personal milestone with you all! 🌟
Recently, I posted from my family's kiwi farm in Chile, capturing the anticipation as our kiwis hung, waiting to be harvested. Today, I'm thrilled to show you the culmination of that journey: a photo of my parents in Chile, proudly standing next to bins filled with our harvested kiwis, ready to embark on their journey. And another photo of me, here at Olympic Fruit in the Netherlands, receiving and preparing to distribute these same kiwis.

For years, I've wondered where our fruits would end up, dreaming of the day when I could be the one to inform my dad that they've arrived. Today, that dream has become reality. Over a decade has passed, but the excitement remains just as palpable. It's a dream fulfilled, made possible by opportunities like these.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey. Here's to more dreams realized, and to the future ahead.
