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UPDATE Van Geest International waarschuwt tegen wanbetaler: Zeo Trade S.R.O. (Tsjechië)

Van Geest International waarschuwt collega's uit de branche om zaken te doen met het Tsjechische bedrijf ZEO Trade S.R.O.

ZEO Trade s.r.o.
398 18 Záhoří 11
Czech Republic

"Deze klant laadt af loods en kan conform afspraken ter plaatse de producten keuren. Vervolgens claimt deze 4 dagen later na binnenkomst. Ondanks aandringen en wijzen op afspraken, betaalt ZEO de rekening dan niet volledig. En dat is niet voor het eerst geweest. U bent gewaarschuwd", vertelt Philip van Geest.

Van Geest International waarschuwt voor dit bedrijf en verklaart zich bereid hier verdere informatie over te geven. draagt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid t.a.v. de hierboven vermelde gegevens. Deze berichten worden geplaatst buiten de verantwoordelijkheid van  en daarom wordt de afzender van het bericht er altijd bij vermeld.

Voor meer informatie:
Philip van Geest
Van Geest International
Tel: 0174-514300
[email protected]

Meerdere Nederlandse en Belgische exporteurs ondersteunden de waarschuwing van VGI.

Tomáš Řehout, general manager ZEO TRADE, stuurde onderstaande reactie.

The information provided and the dirty accusation of our company for fraud is fabricated and the facts were completely different.

We have the right to correct incorrect information ..:
-our company never agreed and did not agree with QC before loading the goods ..
-The company VGI loaded the unauthorized quality of the goods - rotten cucumbers, which we can prove in the photo gallery and our communication after unloading the goods ..
-We claimed the goods according to our general conditions on time and as soon as possible. An independent PAS international agricultural inspection was also invited to the quality control of the goods, which made a record of the unacceptable goods ...

We immediately asked for the collection of low-quality goods. The company did not react to this and did not want to pick up the goods.

-Our company can prove all our claims and the truth by communication and official protocols ..

Our company ZEO TRADE s. R. O., Has been on the fruit and vegetable market for over 20 years, has always met its obligations and will defend itself against such false information ...

We value our suppliers very much and do everything we can for the best possible relationships. I am glad that I feel the support of many Dutch suppliers in this dispute, who wrote us very warm words .. !!

I hope that we are all aware of what field we do business and what market principles are set. Our company must also meet quality requirements and guarantee the durability of goods for the consumption of our customers.
 I am aware and will not claim that our company has not disputed complaints about delivered goods with other entities
 in the past, but we have always tried to resolve everything by reasonable agreement and we have never resolved our disputes in a style that is in our eyes unprofessional, distorted and misleading.

We can give our loyalty and form of cooperation to anyone and I, Tomáš Řehout, am available to anyone for more information

Tomáš Řehout
ZEO TRade s.r.o
GSM: +420 739 507 323
[email protected]  
